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fever cooling gel patch making machine

Views : 606
Update time : 2020-10-11 10:17:02

Cold compress and hot compress are commonly used in clinical treatment. The scope of their application is different, and the temperature is also different. The details are as follows: 1. Hot compress is the application of hot towel or hot package to patients with local hot compress. It is mostly used in patients with rheumatic bone disease and low back pain. It can improve the local blood circulation of patients, reduce pain and relieve local swelling; 2 Application, such as ice, is mainly suitable for patients with scald or acute sprain at the initial stage. Local ice compress can reduce the skin temperature, promote capillary contraction, and avoid progressive increase of hematoma caused by local hemorrhage. Clinically, patients can often use the combination of cold compress and hot compress to treat related diseases, and most patients can achieve good therapeutic effect.